Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Magento website SEO skills/tips

Understand your audience with google trends

In google trends, any keywords can be put into the search box and google will display the search interests, related searches etc which can help you identify your audience, the potential search keywords the contents.

Use informative URLs

Magento has the functionality of generating the informative URLs by re-indexing the catalog_url index.
But it's only helpful for English categories and products. If your website is in other languages, you might need to specify the URL keys for categories and products, and the cms pages manually in admin pane or programmatically.

Add your site to major search engines

There are some common used search engines listed as below:
1. Google
2. Bing
3. Baidu
4. Sougou
Add your site to these search engines and submit the sitemap or URLs. The methods of adding your site vary from different engines. However, what you need to do is just to follow the instructions which shouldn't be difficult.

The method of checking whether you website has been indexed by search engines

For both google and baidu, you can just type 'site:yourdomaim' and the indexed pages will show up. Since in Magento the 404 pages are easy to occur if there is anything wrong with Magento index, you need to make sure the index system is correct and check and fix the 404 pages found in the search results.

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